We always focused on
We strongly believe in building solutions that support your business, and not the other way around. ACTS provides innovative solutions that work for you and your organization, through software development and application, using the latest technologies. We build systems that solve complex organizational challenges
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. We ensure that our solutions provide efficiency and effectiveness. We work with the highest level of accuracy and knowledge of your industry. The current products of ACTS are mainly in the justice industry and the financial industry.
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UNITY is a Procurement & Budget Control application specifically designed to help the organization make its business processes more efficient across the entire value chain. The organization can manage and organize the internal usage of general supplies, services and fixed assets more effective. The client can increase the efficiency of its procurement cycle. The procurement […]
ACTPOL is a police-information system; a law enforcement program that integrates all information provided by police officers on duty. This application presents information in a concise and accessible manner. No two days or incidents are the same for police officers. ACTPOL’s flexibility manages to register all possible scenario’s in the application while minimizing unnecessarily repetitive […]
The PRIEM application is a parquet crime registration system. PRIEM enables you to document the entire prosecution process. All crime cases can be registered in PRIEM. The system supports all processes that involve criminal law. Police officers register all necessary information in the police system (ACTPOL) beginning right after an arrest. This information can then […]
With ACTK18 the guardianship council can manage and monitor child protection, (youth) criminal cases, alimony, custody and guardianship per registered child within the organization. ACTK18 is an information system developed to assist the guardianship council and covers the whole adoption management process from start to finish. It supports the main processes intake, review, execution and […]
ACTPBB is a fine processing application. It collects information from different judicial organizations (e.g. police, coast guard and tax collectors) through official reports . With ACTPBB, all fines that are registered in the police system (ACTPOL) are transferred to the Public Prosecutor. ACTPBB allows for information that is posted to be neatly monitored and administered. […]
ACTFMS is an immigrant information system to facilitate requests for residence and working permits by foreigners that want to immigrate to the island. The procedure consists of the registration process, the evaluation & review process and the execution process. The application is so flexible that with ACTFMS, Immigration Departments can customize the flow of their […]
ACTRCL is a system that provides social guidance to individuals with social problems, family problems or drug problems through organizations that provide probation services. ACTRCL supports the process to avoid and minimize criminal behavior through organizations providing services to adults and/or under-aged individuals. Probation organizations use this system to map out different processes that can […]
ACTBMS stands for ACTS “Border Management Systems”. The ACTBMS is a registration system that airport and seaport immigration officers use to register all individuals entering or leaving an island thus supporting the process of guarding the border. ACTBMS not only controls the authenticity of travel documents, but also watch lists and the process of monitoring […]